1 PasSportme.com | Sports Crowdfunding | Social Media | Federation & Sports management
  Sports Crowdfunding

Athletes and federations can fundraise for events, equipment, training room time, and many other needs. Campaigns are easy and free to create, so start one today!

  Social Network

Make friends, follow athletes, manage league members and connect with fellow sports fans. Share your videos, statuses, and photographs with a growing global audience.

  Sports Management

Administration of sports federations, clubs, teams, or athletes is easy with PasSport's Sports Management interface. Navigate partnerships, memberships and tasks with the click of a button.

  Events, News & More

Create events, statuses, and discussion items on-the-fly. Share and comment on breaking sports news. Notifications will keep you up-to-date on your friends, teams, and favorite athletes.

Top 5 Crowdfunding Sites

Crowdfunding Fee Built-in Social Network Sports Management
PasSportMe 4.5% +2.9%+0.30¢ No Cost No Cost
Indiegogo 5.0% +2.9%+0.30¢
Gofundme 5.0% +2.9%+0.30¢
Makeachamp 5.0% +2.9%+0.30¢
KickStarter 5.0% +2.9%+0.30¢

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About Us

PasSportme.com is an Athletic or Sports based Crowdfunding platform with a native Social Media Network created with sophisticated algorithms enabling Sports Organizations such as Fan Clubs, Sports Clubs, Federations, and Governing Bodies to manage Athletes, Referees, Coaches, Administrators through a membership system with builtin and customizable Registration, Reporting, CRM, and Ranking system.


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(2509938 Ontario Ltd. d.b.a. Passport)

Helping Athletes & Sports Grow!